Kim Egel

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10 Small Wellness Habits That Will Lead to Big Change

Truth: You are what you do repeatedly. 

“More precisely, your habits are how you embody your identity. When you make your bed each day, you embody the identity of an organized person. When you write each day, you embody the identity of a creative person. When you train each day, you embody the identity of an athletic person.”  ……. “Your identity is literally your repeated beingness.”

-James Clear (Atomic Habits)

With that said, let’s get right into and go over 10 small habits that you can cultivate that, with commitment and patience, will lead to a big inner world & lifestyle shift for you.

  1. Morning Journaling/ Time & Space for Reflection & Inner Peace

    Beginning your day with time and space for self exploration, intention setting, get grounded and avoiding rushed or anxious energy is so important. It sets the tone for your day, and overtime, will set the tone for how you show up energetically in your life.

  2. Meditation: I know, it’s almost like this is what I’m “supposed to say” because it’s what we hear all the time when it comes to the world of wellness: “meditate, meditate, meditate.”

    I agree and believe with my everything that a practice, such as meditation, where the point is to quiet your mind is key to an expanded, more clarified Self. Especially today where our world is so externally loud. It’s way too easy to get caught up in the buzz of what’s truly non essential when we neglect to have a practice that encourages us to connect with Self.

    Meditation doesn’t need to look like what you may think it does; sitting in agony with a racing, non stop mind. It was said that Bruce Lee did “active” moving meditations, so if you need to start with that, please do. Try walking meditations, where you can use your breath and rhythm to help focus your mind. Take Away: Just start some sort of practice that grounds you. It really is a game changer.

  3. Stretching

    Stretching can be under rated. Here’s why it should never be:

    First off, stretching provides time where we can just BE while engaging and connecting with our body. Asking questions such as: Where am I tight? How does that stretch feel? Helps us connect and get in tune with our physical bodies. Holding long stretch positions while integrating breath work is a holistic practice that is beneficial for the mind, body, soul connection.

  4. Workouts in Nature vs. Artificial Environments

    Bear with me gym lovers.

    I’m not saying that you “shouldn’t” ever go to a gym, but I am encouraging you to switch it up every now and then with a workout in nature. There’s an unspoken healing element that nature has. It’s quiet and impactful.  

  5. Meal Prepping

    What you put in your “gas tank” will translate into how good you feel energetically, physically and mentally. It’s huge. Yes, it does take time to be a healthy person and live a healthy lifestyle. Taking the time to pick and prep whole foods that energize you is communicating many things: It’s telling the universe that you care about your mental and physical wellbeing. It’s a gesture of self love that will help you to feel good inwardly and outwardly. Ultimately, It feels good to BE healthy and do healthy things.

  6. Reduce/ Eliminate Alcohol

    I’m not here to tell you how to live your life. I’m certainly not here to tell you whether you should or shouldn’t drink alcohol. Do as you choose.

    However, I will be authentic with saying that, I know for me, when my alcohol intake is fewer and far between and more intentional, I feel way better in my body and mind. When it’s not, I truly feel like crap. This is just encouragement for you to check in with the substance of alcohol and encourage you to be authentic on finding an appropriate balance that feels “right” for you.

  7. Being More Intentional About the Health of Your Inner Dialogue (Self Talk)

    The health of your self talk is a huge factor in your overall wellness. The tone, the amount of criticism, love and care and the level of empathy and rigidity all affects how you feel about yourself and show up in this world.

    Bottom line: Be intentional and mindful of how you speak to yourself. 

  8. Instead of TV, Choose An Activity Where You’re Learning & Expanding Your Mind

    I can’t tell you enough, how this shift is changing my world. Please; don’t hear me wrong; I get it, after a long day of work you want something mindless; I hear you. I do too. Once in awhile : Go For It!

    However, when “mindless” tv and numbing out in front of the screen becomes your habit, something else is being established. The nights that I have (at first forced myself to) pick up a book, or practice the ukulele, or chose a depthful, connecting chat with a good friend, over screen time, has filed my soul in a healthier way than watching The Bachelorette could ever do.

  9. Honoring Your Boundaries

    Boundaries are everything. If you haven’t come to that record scratch moment in your life where this has clicked and become all too clear than I’m here to help you get the message now rather than later. The boundaries that we hold for ourself align with our self respect and level of self love. We are communicating so much when we lack the ability to hold space and time for the things that are important to us. Establishing healthy boundaries will change everything for you. (More on boundaries HERE)

  10. Breath Work / Visualizing

    I put these two together, however they’re, separately, very powerful and impactful wellness practices that deserve individual attention. Starting a practice such as breath work or visualizing can take your self growth to another level. These practices can help you tap into inner subconscious knowing that will expand your version of self. There’s so many fun and adventurous ways to explore these two avenues these days; cold plunges, sound healing groups, infrared sauna time, breath work courses, breath work techniques like 4-7-8 breathing or box breathing method.

    Take time to explore what these practices can do for you and your connection with Self.

    Cheers to you my friends. As always, I appreciate you & thank you for reading.

    *Above image by photographer Amy Lynn Bjornson.

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